The current issue of JAMA (2024)

Table of Contents
Journals Podcasts Audio Highlights An Adaptive Behavioral Intervention for Weight Loss Management: A Randomized Clinical Trial Text Messages With Financial Incentives for Men With Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Nurse Case Management in Black and Hispanic Patients With Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial Sex Differences in Primary Care–Based Chronic Kidney Disease Management Formulary Coverage of Brand-Name Adalimumab and Biosimilars Across Medicare Part D Plans Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force Is Weight Loss–Induced Muscle Mass Loss Clinically Relevant? Failure to Rescue as a Quality Measure in Sepsis Public Health Crisis in Gaza—The Responsibility of US-Based Academic Medical Journals Coming Home Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity in the Era of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Preventing Falls in Older Persons: Steps in the Right Direction Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness Evidence Mounts That About 7% of US Adults Have Had Long COVID Flavored Vapes Might Expose Users to Hundreds of Dangerous Byproducts CDC: Deaths From Drowning Climb in the US WHO Releases Guidance to Reduce Catheter-Associated Infections Adding Salt to Food at Mealtime Associated With Stomach Cancer Risk Receiving Abortion Medication Through Mail Was Safe, Effective Self-Monitoring and Managing Medications Improved High Blood Pressure Ultraprocessed Food Associated With Small Increase in Mortality Poll: Roughly 12% of US Adults Have Used a GLP-1 Drug, Even If Unaffordable Meta-Analysis: Low Testosterone in Men Tied to Increased Risk of Death Sick Day Abecedarian Editorials Prevention of Falls in Older Adults Medical Management vs Bariatric Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes Medical Management vs Bariatric Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes—Reply ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality—Reply JAMA New Online Latest from the USPSTF FAQs References

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    In This Issue of JAMA

    Audio Highlights

    Abstract Full Text

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    JAMA. 2024;332(1):e2318332. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.18332

    • Audio: Behavioral Interventions for Obesity, BP Monitoring After Stroke, USPSTF on Fall Prevention, and more

    Original Investigation

    An Adaptive Behavioral Intervention for Weight Loss Management: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    BonnieSpring,PhD; Angela F.Pfammatter,PhD; LauraScanlan,BA; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):21-30. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.0821

    This noninferiority randomized trial compares the effects of a wireless system designed to provide daily feedback on progress in lifestyle change and weight loss vs the same system with additional human coaching on weight change among people with overweight and obesity.

    • Editorial

      Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity in the Era of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

      Jamy D.Ard,MD; Kristina H.Lewis,MD; Justin B.Moore,PhD


    Text Messages With Financial Incentives for Men With Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    PatHoddinott,MB, BS, PhD; CatrionaO’Dolan,PhD; LisaMacaulay,PhD; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    has active quiz has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):31-40. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.7064

    This randomized clinical trial assesses whether text messaging combined with financial incentives or text messages alone could help men with obesity lose weight at 12 months.

    • Audio: Financial Incentives for Weight Loss in Men With Obesity

    • Editorial

      Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity in the Era of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

      Jamy D.Ard,MD; Kristina H.Lewis,MD; Justin B.Moore,PhD


    Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Nurse Case Management in Black and Hispanic Patients With Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    GbengaOgedegbe,MD; Jeanne A.Teresi,EdD, PhD; Stephen K.Williams,MD; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):41-50. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.6609

    This clinical trial compares the effectiveness of nurse case management plus home blood pressure telemonitoring (HBPTM) vs HBPTM alone in achieving greater systolic blood pressure reduction at 12 months and lower rate of stroke recurrence at 24 months among Black and Hispanic stroke survivors with uncontrolled hypertension.

    Research Letter

    Sex Differences in Primary Care–Based Chronic Kidney Disease Management

    Jorge A.Rodriguez,MD; Sarah W.Chen,BS; ChenxiGao,MS; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):72-74. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8914

    This retrospective study uses electronic health record data to investigate the sex differences in guideline-based management outcomes between male and female patients with chronic kidney disease.

    Formulary Coverage of Brand-Name Adalimumab and Biosimilars Across Medicare Part D Plans

    Matthew J.Klebanoff,MD; PengxiangLi,PhD; John K.Lin,MD, MSHP; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):74-76. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8917

    This study examines formulary coverage of brand-name adalimumab and biosimilars across Medicare Part D plans.

    US Preventive Services Task Force

    Recommendation Statement

    Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

    US Preventive Services Task Force

    Abstract Full Text

    free access has active quiz has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):51-57. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8481

    This 2024 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends exercise interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults 65 years or older who are at increased risk for falls (B recommendation) and that clinicians individualize the decision to offer multifactorial interventions to prevent falls in this population (C recommendation).

    • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    • Editorial

      Preventing Falls in Older Persons: Steps in the Right Direction

      David B.Reuben,MD; David A.Ganz,MD, PhD


      • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    Evidence Report

    Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force

    Janelle M.Guirguis-Blake,MD; Leslie A.Perdue,MPH; Erin L.Coppola,MPH; et al.

    Abstract Full Text

    free access has active quiz has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):58-69. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.4166

    This systematic review to support a 2024 US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement summarizes published evidence on the benefits and harms of primary care–relevant multifactorial and exercise interventions to prevent falls among community-dwelling adults 65 years or older.

    • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    • Editorial

      Preventing Falls in Older Persons: Steps in the Right Direction

      David B.Reuben,MD; David A.Ganz,MD, PhD


      • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults


    Is Weight Loss–Induced Muscle Mass Loss Clinically Relevant?

    CaterinaConte,MD, PhD; Kevin D.Hall,PhD; SamuelKlein,MD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):9-10. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.6586

    This Viewpoint explores the effects of weight loss achieved through GLP-1–based antiobesity medications on weight regain, fat-free mass, and skeletal muscle mass in people with obesity.

    Failure to Rescue as a Quality Measure in Sepsis

    Stephanie ParksTaylor,MD, MS; MarcKowalkowski,PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):11-12. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.6771

    This Viewpoint discusses the limitations of current tools to improve sepsis outcomes and proposes that these tools be supplemented with “failure to rescue,” a systems-level approach for recognizing and addressing complications and managing sepsis throughout the hospitalization period.

    Health and the 2024 Elections Globally

    Public Health Crisis in Gaza—The Responsibility of US-Based Academic Medical Journals

    NadirIjaz,MD; Anand R.Habib,MD, MPhil

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):13-14. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10766

    In this Viewpoint, the authors write that US-based medical journals have an obligation to create space for discourse about the human costs of war and other political drivers of health.

    A Piece of My Mind

    Coming Home


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):15. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.7515

    In this narrative medicine essay, a pediatrician channels James Herriott as she attempts to save a hatchling in the basem*nt with nonsterile equipment while her young daughters look on.


    Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity in the Era of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

    Jamy D.Ard,MD; Kristina H.Lewis,MD; Justin B.Moore,PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):16-18. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.7062

    Preventing Falls in Older Persons: Steps in the Right Direction

    David B.Reuben,MD; David A.Ganz,MD, PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):19-20. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.9063

    • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    JAMA Insights

    Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

    Maria Y.Patanwala,MD; Cheyenne M.Garcia,BA; MargotKushel,MD

    Abstract Full Text

    has active quiz has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):70-71. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.5213

    This JAMA Insights examines the adverse effects of homelessness on physical and mental health and suggests strategies to improve access to health care, services, and housing for people experiencing homelessness.

    • Audio: Homelessness and Health Care

    JAMA Data Brief

    Evidence Mounts That About 7% of US Adults Have Had Long COVID

    ZhengyiFang,MS; RebeccaAhrnsbrak,MPS; AndyRekito,MS

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):5-6. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.11370

    This Medical News article discusses new US household survey data that found differences in long COVID rates based on preexisting chronic conditions and other factors.

    Medical News in Brief

    Flavored Vapes Might Expose Users to Hundreds of Dangerous Byproducts


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10326

    CDC: Deaths From Drowning Climb in the US


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10327

    WHO Releases Guidance to Reduce Catheter-Associated Infections


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10328

    Adding Salt to Food at Mealtime Associated With Stomach Cancer Risk


    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10329

    Receiving Abortion Medication Through Mail Was Safe, Effective


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10330

    Self-Monitoring and Managing Medications Improved High Blood Pressure


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):7-8. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10331

    Ultraprocessed Food Associated With Small Increase in Mortality


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):8. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10332

    Poll: Roughly 12% of US Adults Have Used a GLP-1 Drug, Even If Unaffordable


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):8. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10333

    Meta-Analysis: Low Testosterone in Men Tied to Increased Risk of Death


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):8. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.10334

    Poetry and Medicine

    Sick Day Abecedarian


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):80. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.7082

    JAMA Revisited


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):81. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.18333

    JAMA Patient Page

    Prevention of Falls in Older Adults

    JillJin,MD, MPH

    Abstract Full Text

    free access has audio

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):84. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.9713

    This JAMA Patient Page describes risk of falls in older adults and fall prevention recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force.

    • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    • Editorial

      Preventing Falls in Older Persons: Steps in the Right Direction

      David B.Reuben,MD; David A.Ganz,MD, PhD


      • Audio: USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    Comment & Response

    Medical Management vs Bariatric Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):76. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8849

    Medical Management vs Bariatric Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes—Reply

    Anita P.Courcoulas,MD; Mary ElizabethPatti,MD; John P.Kirwan,PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):76-77. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8852

    ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality

    AlvinRichards-Belle,BSc; NaomiLaunders,PhD; Joseph F.Hayes,PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):77. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8922

    ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality


    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):77-78. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8925

    ADHD Pharmacotherapy and Mortality—Reply

    LinLi,PhD; HenrikLarsson,PhD; ZhengChang,PhD

    Abstract Full Text

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):78-79. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.8928

    JAMA Masthead


    Abstract Full Text

    free access

    JAMA. 2024;332(1):3-4. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.18331

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    Latest from the USPSTF

    • USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    • USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions for High Body Mass Index in Children and Adolescents

    • USPSTF Recommendation: Screening for Breast Cancer

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        The current issue of JAMA (2024)


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        Editorial Information.

        JAMA's acceptance rate is 13% of the more than 10,000 annual submissions and 6% of the more than 5,000 research manuscripts received. JAMA's Journal Impact Factor is 63.1, among the top 5 journals in medicine and science.

        What is the impact factor of jama surgery? ›

        JAMA Surgery
        Publication details
        Former name(s)Archives of Surgery
        PublisherAmerican Medical Association (United States)
        Impact factor16.681 (2021)
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        How much does JAMA charge for authors? ›

        All articles are published under an open access license and available immediately at publication. All research articles that are accepted for publication require payment of an article processing charge (APC) of $3000.

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        Websites with addresses ending in . gov and . edu generally contain credible health information. Medical journals such as those in the JAMA Network are another source of reliable health information.

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        OCLC no. According to Journal Citation Reports, the journal's 2024 impact factor is 63.1, ranking it 4th out of 168 journals in the category "Medicine, General & Internal".

        How long does JAMA take to respond? ›

        The JAMA Network welcomes online comments that contribute to meaningful conversations about the articles we publish. Editors may lightly edit submitted comments for format, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and readability. or for other reasons. We aim to publish comments within 2 business days.

        What is JAMA Surgery ranked? ›

        This metric along with other important measures of the journal's reach and influence continues to position JAMA Surgery as the number 1 ranked surgery journal in the world. In 2023, the acceptance rate for all article types was 14%; for Original Investigations, 6%; and for Research Letters, 12%.

        Who funds the Jama network? ›

        The journal is funded by article processing charges and most articles are available under a Creative Commons license.

        What is the turnaround time for JAMA Surgery? ›

        Editorial Information.

        The journal's acceptance rate is 13%. The median time to first decision is 11 days, and 43 days with review. The Journal Impact Factor is 15.7, the highest ranking surgery journal in the world. All articles are published online first.

        Can you publish in JAMA for free? ›

        JAMA does not offer the option to publish an article under an open access license. Research published in JAMA is free to read 6 months online after publication date and is available in PubMed Central (PMC).

        Does JAMA allow co first authors? ›

        In addition to reporting the specific contributions of these authors (along with the contributions of all authors), articles in JAMA and the JAMA Network journals can have designated “co-first” or “co-last” authors.

        Does JAMA allow preprints? ›

        Accordingly, posting of a manuscript on a preprint server before submission to a JAMA Network journal does not preclude consideration of the manuscript for publication, although authors are advised and expected to provide information about any preprint postings, along with any other related manuscripts, at the time of ...

        Is JAMA or Nejm better? ›

        JAMA is more widely circulated than any other medical journal in the world. NEJM has the highest impact factor (number used to measure the importance of a journal) of any medical journal (IF 74.7).

        What does JAMA stand for? ›

        The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) features original research, reviews, and editorials covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences. It's published by the American Medical Association.

        How to read JAMA for free? ›

        JAMA: Research published in JAMA is free to read online 6 months after publication date and is available in PubMed Central (PMC).

        What is an acceptable rejection rate? ›

        As long as the rejection rate is below 1%, it is normal. You can calculate the rejection rate as follows: Rejection rate = (expired number + repetition number + other) / (received number + expired number + repetition number + other)

        What is the acceptance rate for JAMA Network Open? ›

        JAMA Network Open has an overall acceptance rate of 15% and has wide global reach with 30 million article views per year and an impact factor of 13.8.

        What is the acceptance rate for JAMA dermatology? ›

        The journal's acceptance rate is 10%. The median time to first decision is 4 days, and 47 days with review.

        What is the average journal rejection rate? ›

        In most academic peer reviewed journals I am aware of, the rate that papers are accepted (published) ranges from 20–60%. But, you can (should) do a lot to help yourself by working with co-authors who have experience and have successfully published peer reviewed papers in your field.


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        Author: Trent Wehner

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        Author information

        Name: Trent Wehner

        Birthday: 1993-03-14

        Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

        Phone: +18698800304764

        Job: Senior Farming Developer

        Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

        Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.