God Created the World (2024)

Scripture Reference:Genesis 1:1-2:3

Suggested Emphasis or Theme: There was nothing until God began his work of creation.

Memory Verse: “In the beginning God created the sky and the earth.” Genesis 1:1, ICB

Story Overview:

Special Note to Teachers:You can present the creation story in at least two ways. Choose the one that best suits your situation.

  1. Here, on this page, you will see the entire story presented in one lesson. This method works well if time is limited or if you would like to tell the story in a more general way.
  2. Alternatively, present each day of creation as an individual lesson. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the separate days for individual lessons. This approach works well if you would like to spend time appreciating more of the details of what God has made or if you would like to teach a “unit” over a few sessions with time for more hands-on or experience-based learning.

How to Teach a Creation Unit Unit or Theme

Way to Introduce the Story:

In your own words, say: “Everyone, close your eyes tightly and put your hands over your eyes. Now, what do you see? Nothing. Even though you see nothing when your eyes are closed, you can still hear, smell and feel things. But today, we will learn about a time when there was absolutely nothing. And I mean NOTHING!”

The Story:

Did you know that a long, long time ago, there was nothing? No trees, no people, no buildings, not even sound or smell? Darkness was everywhere. That is what it was like before God decided to make our world. God created our whole world in six days. He made something different on each of the six days, and then God was finished. God rested on the seventh day. But first, let’s go back to the very beginning!

Let’s look at the very first verse in our Bibles.

“In the beginning God created the sky and the earth. The earth was empty and had no form. Darkness covered the ocean, and God’s Spirit was moving over the water.” Genesis 1:1-2, ICB

Day 1

“Then God said, ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light. God saw that the light was good. So he divided the light from the darkness. God named the light “day” and the darkness “night.” Evening passed, and morning came. This was the first day.” Genesis 1:3-5, ICB

So God spoke, and light appeared. And this was not just sunlight. God had not created the sun yet. Can you make light by simply saying the words, “Let there be light”? No, but God can.

Day 2

“Then God said, ‘Let there be something to divide the water in two!’ So God made the air to divide the water in two. Some of the water was above the air, and some of the water was below it. God named the air “sky.” Evening passed, and morning came. This was the second day.” Genesis 1:6-8, ICB

Water was everywhere. On the second day of creation, God separated the waterabovethe earth from the wateruponthe earth and then placed the sky between the two. For the first time, the earth would have experienced an atmosphere and things like clouds, wind, waves, and evaporation.

Day 3

“Then God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered together so the dry land will appear.’ And it happened. God named the dry land “earth.” He named the water that was gathered together “seas.” God saw that this was good.
Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce plants. Some plants will make grain for seeds. Others will make fruit with seeds in it. Every seed will produce more of its own kind of plant.’ And it happened. The earth produced plants. Some plants had grain for seeds. The trees made fruit with seeds in it. Each seed grew its own kind of plant. God saw that all this was good. Evening passed, and morning came. This was the third day.” Genesis 1:9-13, ICB

There were mountains, valleys, boulders, springs, rivers, waterfalls, caves, beaches, gravel, clay, and sand. And because there were plants, the earth now contained roots, stems, leaves, grass, pollen, bark, vines, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and more.

Day 4

So God made the two large lights. He made the brighter light to rule the day. He made the smaller light to rule the night. He also made the stars.God put all these in the sky to shine on the earth.They are to rule over the day and over the night. He put them there to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that all these things were good.Evening passed, and morning came. This was the fourth day.Genesis 1:16-19, ICB

With the sun came light, heat and warmth, UV rays, sunrises, sunsets, dawn, dusk, and even eclipses. God knew that the Earth would need the sun to survive.

And then there was the beauty of the night sky for the first time. Sometimes, the moon is full and round, and sometimes, it is shaped like a crescent. When the moon appears very thin, some people even call it a “toe-nail moon.” Of course, the stars are unique because they are bright and sparkly and even appear to twinkle in the sky.

Day 5

Then God said, ‘Let the water be filled with living things. And let birds fly in the air above the earth.’

So God created the large sea animals. He created every living thing that moves in the sea. The sea is filled with these living things. Each one produces more of its own kind. God also made every bird that flies. And each bird produces more of its own kind. God saw that this was good.God blessed them and said, ‘Have many young ones and grow in number. Fill the water of the seas, and let the birds grow in number on the earth.’ Evening passed, and morning came. This was the fifth day.Genesis 1:20-23, ICB

In the sea are fish, swimming mammals such as whales and dolphins, sponges, jellyfish, clams, oysters, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, starfish, sea lilies, lobsters, worms, snails, and many more. And on this day, God created all sorts of birds to fill the skies. When God created birds, He created feathers, beaks, wings, and claws.

Day 6- Animals

“Then [on the sixth day] God said, ‘Let the earth be filled with animals. And let each produce more of its own kind. Let there be tame animals and small crawling animals and wild animals. And let each produce more of its kind.’ And it happened.

So God made the wild animals, the tame animals, and all the small crawling animals in such a way that they could reproduce more of their own kind. God saw that this was good.” Genesis 1:24-25, ICB

Think of all the animals that live on the ground (wild animals and tame animals): amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and even some birds that do not fly. God is amazing because every single kind of animal was His idea and His creation.

Day 6 (continued)- People

Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image and likeness. And let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky. Let them rule over the tame animals, over all the earth and over all the small crawling animals on the earth.’
So, God created human beings in his image. In the image of God, he created them. He created them male and female.Genesis 1:26-27, ICB

“Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and formed man from it. The Lord breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose. And the man became a living person.” Genesis 2:7, ICB

On the same day, God made the animals, and then He made a man. The man was called “Adam.” Adam was different from the animals because when God breathed life into Adam, God made him to be a living person. As a living person, Adam could think, love and worship. Adam could make choices. Adam could talk to God. Adam was a unique creation. Adam was a representation of God to the rest of creation. God brought all the animals before Adam and gave him the honour of naming them. But Adam knew that he was different from the animals. God did not want Adam to be lonely.

“So the Lord God caused the man to sleep very deeply. While the man was asleep, God took one of the ribs from the man’s body. Then God closed the man’s skin at the place where he took the rib. The Lord God used the rib from the man to make a woman. Then the Lord brought the woman to the man.” Genesis 2:21-22, ICB

Adam was so happy when he woke up and saw the woman. Now, he was not alone. He called the woman “Eve.” The creation of humankind was now complete. Adam and Eve were beautiful and pure. They experienced no shame or need to cover up with clothes.

Day 7

“So the sky, the earth and all that filled them were finished. By the seventh day God finished the work he had been doing. So on the seventh day he rested from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it holy because on that day he rested. He rested from all the work he had done in creating the world.” Genesis 2:1-3, ICB

God did not rest because he wastired. God rested because he hadfinished! On the seventh day, God rested and thought about His work. God wants us to rest, too. He wants us to rest and think about Him and His creation.

Ways to Tell the Story:

This story can be told using various methods. Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible, but help children connect to its meaning by using drama, visual aids, voice inflection, group participation, or emotion.

Visual Aids that Cover All Seven Days of Creation

If teachingthe story of the creation as a unitover a few weeks or days, repeat the whole creation story each time and follow this up by going back to emphasise a particular day.

Repetition is good, but try using a variety of storytelling and visual aid methods to keep children interested. Although the creation story will be repeated, you will go into more detail about one particular day. Once you have repeated this approach a few times, the children will remember the creation account well.

Click here to download the slideshow: God Created the World, or
click here to download the pictures to print: God Created the World.

Each teacher is unique, so only use the illustrations that best relate to how YOU tell the story in THIS lesson. Too many illustrations can be confusing, so eliminate any that cover other stories or details you do not wish to emphasise in this lesson.

Click here to download the slideshow: Days of Creation, or
click here to download the pictures to print: Days of Creation.

Review and Reflection Questions:

Review questions help children remember and know the facts of a story, while reflection questions encourage them to internalize its meaning and implications for their lives. Asking at least one of each type of question can help strengthen a child’s spiritual development and help them connect to God.
Click here to learn more about Review and Reflection Questions.


  1. What is the first verse in the Bible?
    (Genesis 1:1, ICB “In the beginning, God created the sky and the earth.”)
  2. What different things did God create each day? (list the various creations by day)
  3. In how many days did God create the world? (6)
  4. What did God do on the seventh day? (rested)
  5. What do you understand about God from this story?
  6. What does it mean that people are ‘made in God’s image’? How are we different from the rest of God’s creation?
  7. What did God think about all of His creations?


  1. Which day would you most enjoy watching God create?
  2. What question about creation do you want to ask God?
  3. What do you think the world looked like before God created land and animals? What do you think it sounded, smelled, or felt like?
  4. How do you think God felt when He was creating the world? What about after He had created everything?
  5. Why do you think God made the world?
  6. What is your favourite part of creation? (plants, animals, water, etc.)

Song Suggestions:

  • Creation Song
  • Hippo Song
  • My God is So Big
  • He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Song
  • Refer to the Song Page on this website for more options.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

(How to choose the best learning activities for my teaching situation)


  • Check theTeaching Ideaspage on this website for ideas that are adaptable to any lesson.
  • Search online or in the library for “earth day” activities. Many will easily adapt to “God Created Our World” activities.
  • Name something that God created. Ask the children to hold up their fingers for the corresponding day of creation. For example, God created horses. On the sixth day of creation, the children hold up six fingers to show that God created horses on that day.


  • Print these Days of Creation Numbersand have children decorate with items relating to the days of creation.
  • Print bookmarks, trading cards or timelines (printable pages).
  • Visit the Teaching Ideas page for additional activities and crafts.

Other Online Resources:


Individual Days of Creation:

(Click on the individual days below. Each number is an additional lesson)

God Created the World (14)God Created the World (15)God Created the World (16)God Created the World (17)God Created the World (18)God Created the World (19)God Created the World (20)


Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

God Created the World (2024)


What are the 7 things God created? ›

Here are the things created on each day: day 1 - light and darkness; day 2 - sky and sea; day 3 - land; day 4 - sun and moon; day 5 - birds and fish; day 6 - animals, man, and woman; day 7 - God rests. Now compare day 1 with day 4, day 2 with day 5, and day 3 with day 6.

What does it mean for the world to be created by God? ›

The world is God's work of art, created to display His glory. This teaching is at the heart of Christianity and gives life to Christian spirituality and worship. Because God created the world, Christians are meant to care for it, embrace it and enjoy God through it.

What did God say to create the world? ›

[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

What are the 7 days of creation? ›

The first creation account is divided into seven days during which God creates light (day 1); the sky (day 2); the earth, seas, and vegetation (day 3); the sun and moon (day 4); animals of the air and sea (day 5); and land animals and humans (day 6). God rested from his work on the seventh day of creation, the Sabbath.

What are the 10 things created by God? ›

What are the things that God has made ?
  • Sun.
  • Air.
  • Water.
  • Trees.
  • Animals.
  • Humans.
  • Seasons.
  • Nature.
Feb 27, 2019

Which are the first 3 things created by God? ›

in the beginning - God started creation. the first day - light was created. the second day - the sky was created. the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created.

Did God create the universe or just Earth? ›

In the Bible it says that 'God created the heavens and the earth' which shows that god created everything. Furthermore, it also says in the Bible that 'the earth was formless and empty'.

How many heavens did God create? ›

Christianity. The New Testament does not refer to the concept of seven heavens. However, an explicit reference to a third heaven appears in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, penned in Macedonia around 55 CE.

Did God create the world from nothing? ›

The truth that states that God has created-that he has drawn forth from nothingness all that exists outside himself, both the world and man-is already expressed on the first page of Sacred Scripture, even though its full exposition is found only in the later development of revelation.

What is Lucifer's name? ›

Lucifer Morningstar, known as Samael before his banishment from Heaven, is the titular protagonist of the urban fantasy comedy-drama series Lucifer (2016–2021).

What does God say about cremation? ›

The Bible does not explicitly prohibit or endorse cremation. It offers various references, emphasizing the temporary nature of our physical bodies and the importance of our spiritual existence.

What power did God use to create the world? ›

The Bible says He created all things “by the Word of God” (Heb. 11:3). God spoke the Word and all things came into being day by day until six days of creation were complete. Then He rested from all His work (Gen.

How many years is a day in Heaven? ›

3. [8] But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Why did God create the world? ›

Let us consider … the purpose of the creation of the earth. The scriptures make it clear that it was … to provide a place for the sons and daughters of God to dwell in mortality and prove themselves worthy, through keeping the commandments, to return to the presence of God from whence they came.

Where did God come from? ›

The answer is that God has always been there, and no one created him. But he did create us. We can see his fingerprints on everything. Creation proves God's infinite nature, his compassionate spirit, and his power and knowledge.

What are the seven holy things in the Bible? ›

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts first found in the book of Isaiah, and much commented upon by patristic authors. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

What are the 7 things that God Cannot do? ›

So, for our own benefit let us examine a few of the many restrictions God has imposed upon Himself….
  • God cannot lie. ...
  • God cannot change. ...
  • God cannot break a promise. ...
  • God's intent and power cannot be stopped. ...
  • God's Word cannot be broken. ...
  • God's Law cannot be annulled. ...
  • God cannot stand sin.

What are the seven of God in the Bible? ›

Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.

Why is 7 important in the Bible? ›

What is the Meaning of the Number 7 in the Bible? The number 7 is quite significant in the Bible, appearing over 700 times throughout both the Old and New Testaments. In biblical numerology, 7 symbolizes completion or perfection. It is said that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th.


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.